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  • Power with us

    Virtual reality VR / AR

    Do you have an idea for an innovative application? Are you looking for a company developing cutting-edge applications based on artificial intelligence? Then, you are in good hands. Evaluate your project and start a new adventure with us!
  • Use in your solutions

    Artificial intelligence

    Do you have an idea for an innovative application? Are you looking for a company developing cutting-edge applications based on artificial intelligence? Then, you are in good hands. Evaluate your project and start a new adventure with us!
  • Extend functionality of the application with

    Natural language processing

    Do you have an idea for an innovative application? Are you looking for a company developing cutting-edge applications based on artificial intelligence? Then, you are in good hands. Evaluate your project and start a new adventure with us!
  • Create tailor-made

    Mobile applications

    Do you have an idea for an innovative application? Are you looking for a company developing cutting-edge applications based on artificial intelligence? Then, you are in good hands. Evaluate your project and start a new adventure with us!
  • Increase your productivity with

    VR Meetings / Education with VR

    Do you have an idea for an innovative application? Are you looking for a company developing cutting-edge applications based on artificial intelligence? Then, you are in good hands. Evaluate your project and start a new adventure with us!

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    about company

    Let's get to know each other

    We are fascinated by new technological chances, new tech trends and practical usage of artificial intelligence. New techniques and methods can make a disruptive difference in software engineering. They can even change the current game!
    SynAppsTech is international software house specialising in AI solutions and customer-driven applications. Our primary focus is to deliver professional services, including analysis, technical design, UI/UX services, development, testing and support & maintenance. We love R&D projects, focusing on innovative products and serving our customers with consulting and advisory services.


    Our areas of focus

    We are involved in research and development projects, focus on creating innovative solutions and provide our clients with consulting and advisory services. Complex challenges where the path to success is unknown motivate us the most!

    Virtual reality

    The VR world is not only about games. VR and AR applications are entering business, educational and medical solutions. For us, it is a passion that we want to share with our business partners by offering a range of dedicated services.

    Artificial intelligence

    The use of artificial intelligence algorithms in existing solutions or the creation of innovative applications based on AI/ML/DL is a definite trend. In this area, our offer covers a broad spectrum of services.

    case studies

    Our projects

    application for rides


    You decide how much to pay!

    The application is very simple and usefull. The Customer enters their destination and trip time and our app finds the nearest free taxi for you. What is more, thanks to the price negotiation function, the Customer can independently propose the fare for the ride. As a Driver, you can accept or reject the Customer's offer. The application also offers online payments, which makes the whole process fast and convenient.

    Aplikacja Movme

    shopping and fashion

    myDressing Room

    Your virtual fitting room
    A solution that allows customers of online clothing stores to fit garments virtually. The only thing is to record a short video presenting your figure. Then the system dynamically creates the 3D model and allows one to choose the right clothes size. Finally, you can explore exciting clothes from the catalogue and see how they look on you.



    Your automatic accounting
    A mobile application dedicated to micro and small entrepreneurs, comprehensively supporting invoice management in their companies. It is based on innovative algorithms that recognise and categorise invoices automatically. It simplifies the company's operational management, and allows you to automate the accounting processes, significantly reducing the involvement of the accounting office. At any time, the person running the company has access to up-to-date information on the taxes due.


    Start your IT adventure with us!

    Are you interested in artificial intelligence or virtual reality? Would you like to start your IT adventure as a young and developed yourself within a team of professionals? Then, you've come to a great place! Browse the list of current offers and choose something for yourself!



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